The hubs, pup and I took our yearly trip up to Flat Rock, NC to go apple picking at Skytop Orchard! We went a little earlier this year thinking we were smart to beat the crowds. We were wasn't as crowded as last year mid-October, but it was still packed! Different apple types come in season at different times so we were able to get some apples that are available mid-September that were already out of season in October, so it pays to go different times of the fall season!

It was a lot of fun and Aspen had a great time running through the orchard, sniffing the apples, and meeting all kinds of people! We got the famous apple cider doughnuts again but this time there wasn't a 45 minute wait! I bought a voucher in the barn when I bought my apples and apple cider so we just walked right up to the window and got our doughnuts!
I couldn't wait to start trying out apple recipes! The first thing I did was peel and slice a few then sauté them with sugar, cinnamon and butter. SO GOOD and SO EASY. You can pretty much just wing this one, but if you are nervous about how much of this and that to use, this recipe from Southern Living and My Recipes is a good one to help you find your way
I tried to make some applesauce from a recipe from The Pioneer Woman and it was going well until I left it on the heat too long and all of the liquid dried up and the sugar burned on the bottom of the pot... Note to self, keep a closer eye on the applesauce.
After ruining the applesauce, I was determined to make something else with my apples that I could enjoy so I made an apple cake with browned butter frosting. Oh my heavens this is a delicious cake! The large pieces of apple and the spices in the cake with the nuttiness from the frosting make a glorious combination! I ripped this recipe out of my September 2010 copy of Southern Living and had it in a binder with other recipes I've saved over the years. A hard-copy Pinterest if you will.
This is the next recipe I want to make. Gotta love a good bundt cake! And a brown sugar glaze makes everything better :)
What apple recipes have you been dying to try?